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Caught Up In Time

What do you think of time?

Time is a game of our own creation.

It’s definitely. Otherwise, how do you tell you what time to come for dinner? We all become timeless. How to invite you for dinner? Tell me.

We are all slaves to it.

We don’t have to be slaves to it. It’s a device that we used for our convenience. If you don’t divide this day to 24 hours, would you know when to come here for dinner? It’s a convenience. Where is the question of enslavement?

I come when I’m hungry. It comes even if it’s here.

You may come when you are hungry but there may be no dinner when you come. You may not feel hungry until 1 o’clock in the morning. That doesn’t mean it’s the dinnertime here.

When you get…

Any convenience that you achieve for yourself, time or money or a car or in the technology that we created for our convenience, out of our unawareness we get enslaved to it. There is nothing wrong with the device that we created. There’s nothing wrong with the car. There’s nothing wrong with the money. There’s nothing wrong with the time. You got enslaved to it our of your unawareness. That’s the problem, isn’t it? Time is not the problem. Money is not the problem. Car is not the problem. Any other technology is not the problem. You got enslaved to it. That is the problem. Enslavement happened because you’re unaware. You’re unawareness is the problem.

How to become aware? What is this awareness? Awareness is in many different levels. What you are aware of is all that exists for you. This must be understood. Right now you’re sitting here. Don’t turn back and see. Right now, there’s a huge dinosaur standing behind you. You are not aware of it. Does it exist for you? No. It doesn’t matter such a huge animal is standing there, you are not aware of it so it doesn’t exist for you. Only what you are aware of exists for you. Right now, your awareness is limited to a small aspect of your life. All aspect of spirituality means to become aware of everything that you are so that before you go, you know life, you experience life in it’s totality, to live totally. To live and to live totally. That’s spirituality so that you know life in all dimensions. You don’t go just knowing a little part of your life. You want to know all of it.

If you want to know all of it, how? If we have to use an analogy, let’s say we turn down the tone for the lights. Let’s say this lights are only that much. Only that much we see. If you turn up the lights, suddenly you’re able to see much more because the light has spread. Awareness is just like this. Right now, your energies, your body, your emotion, your mind, everything is functioning a certain limited amount. You crank up the visibility, Suddenly you start seeing so many things which are not in your experience until that moment. In a way, to put it very simply, to put it technically, you need to turn up your sound. Today she was saying, she doesn’t want to sleep because she wants to live. If you don’t want to sleep, I don’t want to sleep, will not take anything for sleep. You turn up your light. Suddenly, no sleep.

You can turn up your light simply with your switch, but that will not take you all the way. There are other kinds of technologies to turn up your visibility in a certain way where all the time you’re high. See, within myself right now, I’m absolutely drunk. Not with alcohol. I never touched it. I’m totally drunk within myself. Am I balanced enough and logical enough to handle any situation? Yes. All the time, I am fully drunk on one level. On the level, I am perfectly sane. If I want to flip any moment, I’ll flip.

If you are like this inside, you are fully charged. Outside, you’re controlled. This is what is needed in your life if you want to experience life in it’s totality. You are trying to exercise control over your life and you started putting this control over your every process of life so life is happening like a trickle. Life within you should happen like a huge explosion but outside it is fully controlled. You will see, initially, when you go into your pocket even the outside tends to happen like an explosion for some time but within this limited period of time, you will gather control over it. Outside is controlled. Inside is an explosion. That’s how it should be every moment of your life. Within you life should be an absolute explosion. Outside of you, it is properly controlled.

When it’s like this, you will get to use your physical body, your mind, your emotion, everything that you have to it’s fullest extent. Things that you never thought you were capable of, suddenly you start doing simply because your life is full.

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