For thousands of years, people have been going to doctors and other types of healers with the hope that they can be cured and feel better. Traditional medicine was based on a holistic method that included mind, feelings and body. Today, modern medicine has progressed to the point of relying on surgery and medication, with an emphasis on reducing or eliminating the symptoms, but often not the underlying cause. Modern medicine often ignores the body’s ability to heal itself and instead, works toward a quick fix.
The most distinct difference between modern and traditional medicine is the way in which they observe both health and disease. Both see disease as a biological condition characterized by abnormalities in the function or the structure of certain organs or entire organ systems. However, traditional medicine examines how an illness relates to the psychological and social aspects of the affected person. Modern medicine usually tends to ignore these aspects, and many traditionalists believe that the art of healing has been lost over the course of the last 100 years.
Sadhguru provides insight into this topic.
Mahi February 11, 2018 at 3:30 pmThank you for sharing very good article, very help full post, keep it up