Nepotism is widely considered to be unfair, but might it also be potentially hazardous to people’s health? In the wake of any suicide, those affected by the tragedy naturally seek to understand its causes, and the recent tragic suicide of a rising Bollywood actor is no exception. In the aftermath of his death, many people laid blame on what they described as an entrenched culture of nepotism pervading the film industry. But can the unearned privileges of others really push people to take their own lives?
Either way, with the mental health challenges currently accompanying the Coronavirus pandemic, it seems wise to try to better understand the internal and external conditions that may give rise to suicide, such as feeling unprepared for how to deal with any depression or dark thoughts that may seem inevitable in the face of so much physical, emotional, and economic uncertainty. Indeed, for many people these days, it may seem as if the weight of the world is upon us in ways that it has never been before.
In this video, in response to a question about the possible relationship between nepotism and suicide, Sadhguru analyzes some of the cultural and social reasons why the suicide rate is currently so high around the world. He also offers a few ways that you can maintain your mental health in the face of these challenges, whether it’s dealing properly with your own thoughts and emotions or finding ways to put the pieces back together in the aftermath of another’s death.