Wouldn’t it be great to wake up each morning with a smile, feeling exuberant? You would start the day not reaching for that cup of coffee or thinking about what happened yesterday or last year. Instead today would be your focus, without regrets, just happy to be alive.

Does this sound too good to be true? Is it a far-off goal or dream? There are many people that can attest to the life-changing benefits they experienced after practicing Inner Engineering and Shambhavi Mahamudra.

Sadhguru explains that there is a whole technology for  creating your chemistry the way you want it, to become blissful. The technology includes transmission of the  powerful and purifying 21-minute energy technique, Shambhavi Mahamudra, along with some invigorating preparatory asanas.


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POSTED IN:Consciousness, Happiness, Health, Videos

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