Most people have heard it said that individual karma is a set of actions that shape our present and future lives. It has even been defined as an occult power working against us, or the component of an inescapable fate. With so much myth surrounding the topic, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction.

But what is the truth regarding karma? Can we alter our karma? Is there such a thing as collective karma? Is it as simple as the concept that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Does everyone have a karmic debt that is linked to their family, and even to their race or culture?

Sadhguru looks at how genetics and society also influence a human being. He explains Samskara is a collective karma that a society or family can carry. Beyond an individual’s karma, says Sadhguru, there is also a collective karmic memory shared between families, communities, nations, and even across humanity. However, irrespective of this, how we experience our lives is still determined by us.


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POSTED IN:Consciousness, Videos

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