
“Ready, set, go!” the race anchor yelled out. Several bodies ran, some fast, some slower. The winner was congratulated and wore her metal proudly. Everyone said she won because she had ambition. They said she was determined to win, no matter what.

Her story is not unique. Ambitious people forge ahead even when obstacles block their progress. They work hard, but at what cost? Many ambitious people will tell you that part of the price is having to sacrifice other things you might want along the way and that it requires an intense resolve to stick to your single goal.

But are ambitious people joyful? They might have a determined mind-set, but are they happy and smiling as they relentlessly pursue their chosen goal? Is it possible to be both ambitious and joyful? Sadhguru tells us how to propel towards success without limiting onself to ambition.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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