
"Youth are natural seekers of truth. Time to empower them with the needed clarity, commitment, and courage to find their truth."


A recent survey of over 200,000 incoming college freshmen shows that the emotional health of students at its lowest in 25 years. Due to the pressure of academic performance, financial issues, and worries of future job prospects, student stress and anxiety levels are at record highs and climbing.

A recent article in the New York Times reported that 60 percent of today’s college students suffer from anxiety disorders and psychological distress (Wolverton, 2019).

At a time where technological and medical advancement is at its peak, youth's mental health has become a serious impediment, when their energy and vibrancy should be allowing them to reach their peak potential.

Main Student Stressors

  • Academic Performance
  • Time Management
  • Social Anxiety & Relationships
  • Uncertainty about the Future

Engineer Yourself to Health and Blissful Wellbeing with the Essence of Yoga. Engineering is Modern Day Magic

Inner Engineering is a technology for well-being derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in.

The objective of the program is to render you to explore your highest potential through powerful processes of self transformation, the distilled essence of classical yoga, meditations to address key aspects of life and access to secrets of ancient wisdom.

Inner Engineering offers a unique opportunity for self-exploration and transformation, leading to a life of fulfillment and joy.

This program offers the live transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, an ancient, purifying 21-minute yoga practice of immeasurable transformative power that Sadhguru has brought to the modern world. Shambhavi aligns your entire system so that your body, mind, emotions and energies function in harmony, establishing a chemistry of blissfulness within you and empowering you to create your life the way you want it.

“Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you”


“Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you” —Sadhguru

Enhanced focus & mental clarity

Increased energy levels

Vibrant health & relief from chronic ailments

Access to the natural intelligence within

Inner peace, joy and fulfillment

Greater athletic performance & endurance

Improved communication and inter-personal relationships

Improved sleep quality

Life beyond stress and anxiety

Résultats d'études scientifiques

Étude de l'École de médecine de Harvard sur Ingénierie Intérieure En Ligne

Ingénierie Intérieure En Ligne a conduit à une diminution du stress de plus de 50%

Voir les résultats

Partenaire de recherche :

Étude de l'Université Rutgers (Rutgers University)

Ingénierie Intérieure En Ligne conduit à une augmentation significative des niveaux de d'énergie, de joie, de présence et d'engagement au travail.

Voir les résultats

Partenaire de recherche :


des participants ont rapporté une baisse de leurs niveaux d'anxiété et de dépression


Durée dusommeil REMDurée jusqu'ausommeil REMDurée pours'endormirGroupe de contrôlePersonnes pratiquant Shambhavi1/81/3x2


des participants ont rapporté une amélioration des cas de maux de tête et de migraines


des participants ont rapporté une amélioration de leur capacité de concentration et de leur productivité

Faites l'expérience d'Ingénierie Intérieure

Ingénierie Intérieure est disponible sous forme de cours aux formats variés, à la fois en ligne et en présentiel.

En ligne

Ingénierie Intérieure en Ligne

Faites l'expérience d'Ingénierie Intérieure avec Sadhguru, à votre propre rythme et dans votre propre espace, avec sept sessions de 90 minutes chacune, offrant des outils de conscience, des méditations, et des pratiques de yoga. Ce programme est conçu pour apporter de l'équilibre et de la stabilité au niveau mental et émotionnel.

En personne

Complétion d'Ingénierie Intérieure2-Day Program in a City Near You

Accessible à ceux qui ont terminé Ingénierie Intérieure en Ligne, Complétion d'Ingénierie Intérieure offre la transmission d'une pratique transformatrice de 21 minutes appelée Le Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya.

Prerequisite: Completion of all seven Inner Engineering Online sessions

  • If you have completed Inner Engineering Online, then register directly for Inner Engineering Completion.
  • If you have NOT registered for Inner Engineering Online, you can register for the package, Inner Engineering Inclusive which includes Inner Engineering Online and Inner Engineering Completion (Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya). Register

Retraite Ingénierie Intérieure

This residential retreat offers the tools of Inner Engineering Online and the transmission of a transformative 21-minute practice called Le Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya. With the stunning natural surroundings of Isha Institute of Inner-sciences in Tennessee as a backdrop, participants can also enjoy with guided hikes in the surrounding forests, live music and fresh, wholesome vegetarian meals.

Aucun prérequis

Ingénierie Intérieure, Programme Complet

Offered regularly worldwide and conducted by trained instructors, this program combines the components of Inner Engineering Online and transmission of a transformative 21-minute practice called Le Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya.

Aucun prérequis


Student discounts and limited student scholarships are available for the Inner Engineering in-person programs. These funds are set up by volunteers who have been profoundly touched by their own transformation and wish to spread this possibility to those around them.

Donate towards student scholarships

Email Register@InnerEngineering.com for more information.

Student Reviews

"I have not cried once out of depression since that very first meditation. I speak to strangers easier. I am more secure. But it's more than that. Isha Yoga has put me on a path to discover something deeper about what it means to be alive."

- Darius Green

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Major


Students and Seekers

As long as you keep the questions in your life alive, he says, then you are naturally a spiritual seeker.
