Inner Engineering In-Person

Dive into the Wave of Bliss this March, a rare opportunity to do Inner Engineering in person, at your doorstep. Choose from multiple programs offered all over the Greater Toronto Area for the very first time.

This format contains:

  • One-on-one practice support through personalized corrections from a trained Isha instructor
  • A supportive, inspiring ambience created by volunteers
  • Opportunity to experience the program in a group setting
  • Fresh, wholesome meals prepared by volunteers on Saturday & Sunday

The first hour of every program is a free introductory talk open to all.

No prerequisite or physical agility required.

Inner-Engineering Intro Talk
Inner-Engineering Intro Talk


This program offers the transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, an ancient, purifying 21-minute yoga practice of immeasurable transformative power that Sadhguru has brought to the modern world. Shambhavi aligns your entire system so that your body, mind, emotions and energies function in harmony, establishing a chemistry of blissfulness within you and empowering you to create your life the way you want it.

Today, millions of dedicated practitioners have experienced greater emotional balance, focus, stability, and improved health.


Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, ein wahres Wunder

Das Shambhavi Mahamudra ist ein Werkzeug, um mit dem Ursprung der Schöpfung in Kontakt zu kommen. Indem du deinen innersten Kern berührst, findet Transformation statt."
– Sadhguru

Höhepunkte des Programms

Praktische Werkzeuge für ein müheloses Leben

Meditationen, um Schlüsselaspekte des Lebens anzugehen

Verjüngende & ausgleichende Yoga-Übungen

Werkzeuge zur Bewusstheit


Fortlaufende Unterstützung & Gruppensitzungen

Vollwertige vegetarische Mahlzeiten, die von Freiwilligen frisch zubereitet werden


Erhalte hohe Energie & Wachheit den ganzen Tag über.

Verbessere deine Kommunikation & zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen

Fördere deine geistige Klarheit, emotionales Gleichgewicht & Produktivität

Beseitige Stress, Angst und Sorgen

Finde Linderung von chronischen Beschwerden wie Allergien, Schlaflosigkeit, Bluthochdruck, Adipositas, Diabetes und Rückenschmerzen

Erlange Freude, Ruhe und Erfüllung

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Upcoming Programs

Next Steps

Inner-Engineering Intro Talk
Inner-Engineering Intro Talk

Other Inner Engineering Formats

Inner Engineering Online

Experience Inner Engineering with Sadhguru in your own space, at your own pace through seven steps, offering tools for awareness, meditations, and yoga practices. This course is designed to bring balance and stability to your mind and emotions.
Erfahre mehr


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