Do you ever have the desire to know for certain how things will turn out in life? Maybe you want to know in advance what kinds of careers your children will have when they grow up.[...]
Maybe when we shop, we compare prices and value. Whether for the purchase of a new sweater, car, or house, this can be a good practice. It helps us get our money’s worth, and stay [...]
COVID-19 can be a very scary adversary. Those in the medical field have not been able to control this disease. The media bombards us daily with rising statistics, fatalities, and n[...]
Have trouble recalling information when you need it, only to remember it hours later? This is a feeling we’re all familiar with. In fact, whether you are a student, a working profe[...]
Do you remember your first crush? When thoughts filled your head about how you adored them? You yearned to tell them but feared rejection. Your friends offered all sorts of suggest[...]
Every day he would read his horoscope before hopping into the shower. It seemed very essential to know what was in store for him before commencing his day. It sometimes calmed the [...]
According to The National Academies Press: Children are born with certain biological capacities for learning. They can recognize human sounds; can distinguish animate from inanimat[...]
Nature performs all types of miracles for us every day. She provides air, water, plant life—including edibles—and enables naturally occurring recycling as she balances all of life’[...]
It’s safe to say that 50 years ago few people in the US had heard the word “prana.” Much has changed since then, and now it is quickly becoming an everyday word ([...]