It’s safe to say that 50 years ago few people in the US had heard the word “prana.” Much has changed since then, and now it is quickly becoming an everyday word ([...]
For better or worse, these days we have an almost impossibly wide range of information available to us on ways to stay healthy — lists of new superfoods, elixirs for longevity, the[...]
Many of us may have encountered people in different walks of life who have a certain ease about them in the way they live. Can we call it “effortless living” to the outside observe[...]
Unfortunately, in today’s world, bullying is all too common. Many may picture bullying as something that happens in schools or online, but bullying can take many forms, such as a p[...]
Most people have experience observing the ways that masculinity and femininity influence and organize our experiences in the world and shape our personalities and the social roles [...]
Are we done evolving? Has the human race reached its utmost potential, in terms of physical evolution? Are there other types of evolution available to us beyond just the physical? [...]
Many of us have grown all too used to thinking of soil as simply dirt, just the stuff beneath our feet or the stuff we want to avoid tracking into the house. But did you know that [...]
The word “karma” is almost certainly familiar to most spiritual seekers, but unfortunately, for many complex reasons, the word remains widely misunderstood. And even if we have an [...]
Sadhguru’s Motorcycle Journey to Save Soil Reaches Nearly Four Billion People On March 23rd 2022, Sadhguru embarked on a 100 day motorcycle journey from the iconic Trafalgar [...]